TF7 0652 Rifle Marksmanship with the M1 Rifle Positions.
Detailed instruction on the correct positions rifle training. Total Runtime Appx. 27 minutes.
TF7 1062 Rifle Marksmanship with the M1 Rifle Rapid Fire.
Detailed instruction on the correct rapid fire rifle training. Total Runtime Appx. 27 minutes.
TF7 1094 Rifle Marksmanship with the M1 Rifle Trigger Squeeze.
Detailed instruction on the correct trigger squeeze rifle training. Total Runtime Appx. 19 minutes.
TF7 1100 Rifle Marksmanship with the M1 Rifle Elevation and Windage.
Detailed instruction on the correct elevation and windage rifle training. Total Runtime Appx. 33 minutes.
TF7 1101 Rifle Marksmanship with the M1 Rifle Zeroing and Use of the Scorebook.
Detailed instruction on the correct positions rifle training. Total Runtime Appx. 27 minutes.
TF9 1445 The M2 Carbine.
Detailed film all about the M2 Carbine. Total Runtime Appx. 15 minutes.
TF9 1448 Fundamentals of Small Arms Weapons.
Detailed film on the fundamental workings of small arms. Total Runtime Appx. 41 minutes.
TF9 3663 M16 Rifle Operation and Cycle of Functioning.
Detailed film on the fundamental workings of the M16 Rifle. Total Runtime Appx. 19 minutes.