US Coast Guard - Boat Crew Seamanship Manual US Coast Guard - You're in Command - Boat Safely US Naval Gun Mount Production During WW II US Navy - Aviation Weather Student Guide CNATRA P-303 US Navy - Basic Pest Management MO-310.1 US Navy - Blast Resistant Structures NAVFAC DM 2.08 US Navy - Civilian Diving Program US Navy - Corrosion Control NAVFAC MO-307 US Navy - Driver's Handbook NAVFAC MO-403 US Navy - Electrical Safety Field Guide NAVFAC P-45 US Navy - Emission Control (EMCON) US Navy - Expedient Repair of Utility Systems Manual NAVFAC P-1100 US Navy - Food Safety P-5010-1 US Navy - Joint Aerospace Physiology Student Guide CNATRA P-204 US Navy - Know your PT Boat WW US Navy - Maintenance and Operation of Active Solar Heating Systems MO-405 US Navy - Manual of Naval Preventive Medicine P-5010 US Navy - Multiservice Procedures for Well-drilling Operations NAVFAC P-1065 US Navy - Muscular Exercise Program US Navy - Nutrition and Weight Control Self-Study Guide US Navy - Peak Performance Through Nutrition and Exercise US Navy - Personal Fitness Training Plan US Navy - Railway Operating Handbook NAVFAC P-301 US Navy - Sexual Health Primer US Navy - Student Guide for Air Navigation CNATRA P-203 US Navy - Student Workbook for Instrument Navigation CNATRA P-801 US Navy - Urban Integrated Pest Management NAVFAC MO-310.2 US Navy - Weed Control and Plant Growth Regulation NAVFAC MO-314 US Navy - Welding Materials Handbook NAVFAC P-433 US Navy - Wood Protection NAVFAC MO-312 US Navy 5-inch Gun Operations manual WW US Navy 8-inch 3-gun Turrets WW US Navy cooking course - Mess Management Specialist 1 & C NAVEDTRA 14163 US Navy cooking course - Mess Management Specialist 3 & 2 NAVEDTRA 14164 US Navy course - Aerographers Mate Module 1-Surface Weather Observations NAVEDTRA 14269 US Navy course - Aerographers Mate Module 4 Environmental Communications and Administration NAVEDTRA 14 US Navy course - Aerographer's Mate 1 & C NAVEDTRA 14010 US Navy course - Aerographer's Mate Module 2-Miscellaneous Observations and Codes NAVEDTRA 14270 US Navy course - Aerographer's Mate Module 3 Environmental Satellites and Weather Radar NAVEDTRA 14271 US Navy course - Aerographer's Mate Module 5 Basic Meteorology NAVEDTRA 14312 US Navy course - Air Traffic Controller NAVEDTRA 14342 US Navy course - Aircrew Survival Equipmentman 1 & C NAVEDTRA 14217 US Navy course - Aircrew Survival Equipmentman 2 NAVEDTRA 14218 US Navy course - Airman NAVEDTRA 14014 US Navy course - Aviation Boatswain's Mate E NAVEDTRA 14310 US Navy course - Aviation Boatswain's Mate F NAVEDTRA 14003 US Navy course - Aviation Boatswain's Mate F NAVEDTRA 14322 US Navy course - Aviation Electricity & Electronics - Power Generation & Distribution NAVEDTRA 14323 US Navy course - Aviation Electricity & Electronics-Radar NAVEDTRA 14339 WW US Navy course - Aviation Electricity & Electronics-Undersea Warfare (USW) NAVEDTRA 14340 US Navy course - Aviation Electricity and Electronics Maintenance Fundamentals NAVEDTRA 14318 US Navy course - Aviation Electronics Technician 1 (Organizational) NAVEDTRA 14030 US Navy course - Aviation Electronics Technician-Basic NAVEDTRA 14028 US Navy course - Aviation Electronics Technician-Intermediate NAVEDTRA 14029 US Navy course - Aviation Ordnanceman NAVEDTRA 14313 US Navy course - Basic Military Requirements NAVEDTRA 12018 US Navy course - Basic Military Requirements NAVEDTRA 14325 US Navy course - Basic Music (Navy) NAVEDTRA 12013 US Navy course - Basic Music NAVEDTRA 10244 US Navy course - Boatswain's Mate NAVEDTRA 14343 US Navy course - Captivity - The Extreme Circumstance NAVEDTRA 14316 US Navy course - Damage Controlman NAVEDTRA 14057-PPR US Navy course - Dental Technician, Volume 1 NAVEDTRA 14274 US Navy course - Dental Technician, Volume 2 NAVEDTRA 14275 US Navy course - Department of the Navy Correspondence Manual Course NAVEDTRA 14319 US Navy course - Ear Training Manual For Musicians NAVEDTRA 10243 US Navy course - Electrician's Mate NAVEDTRA 14344 US Navy course - Electronics Technician Supervisor (ET1) NAVEDTRA 14085 US Navy course - Electronics Technician Supervisor (ETC) NAVEDTRA 14084 US Navy course - Electronics Technician Volume 1--Safety NAVEDTRA 14086 US Navy course - Electronics Technician Volume 2-Administration NAVEDTRA 14087 US Navy course - Electronics Technician Volume 3 Communications Systems NAVEDTRA 14088 US Navy course - Electronics Technician Volume 5 Navigation Systems NAVEDTRA 14090 US Navy course - Electronics Technician Volume 6 Digital Data Systems NAVEDTRA 14091 US Navy course - Electronics Technician-Volume 8 Support Systems NAVEDTRA 14093 US Navy course - Engineering Aid 1 NAVEDTRA 14070 US Navy course - Engineering Aid 2 NAVEDTRA 14071.1 US Navy course - Engineering Aid 2 NAVEDTRA 14071 US Navy course - Engineering Aid 3 NAVEDTRA 14069 US Navy course - Engineman 1 & C NAVEDTRA 14075 US Navy course - Engineman 2 NAVEDTRA 14076 US Navy course - Engineman 3 NAVEDTRA 14331 US Navy course - Equipment Operator, Advanced NAVEDTRA 14080 US Navy course - Equipment Operator, Basic NAVEDTRA 14081 US Navy course - Fire Controlman Supervisor NAVEDTRA 14097 US Navy course - Fire Controlman Volume 2- Fire-Control Radar Fundamentals NAVEDTRA 14099 US Navy course - Fire Controlman Volume 3- Digital Data Systems NAVEDTRA 14100 US Navy course - Fire Controlman Volume 4- Fire-Control Maintenance Concepts NAVEDTRA 14101 US Navy course - Fire Controlman Volume 5- Display Systems and Devices NAVEDTRA 14102 US Navy course - Fire Controlman Volume 6- Digital Communications NAVEDTRA 14103 US Navy course - Fire Controlman, Volume 1- Administration and Safety NAVEDTRA 14098 US Navy course - Fireman NAVEDTRA 14104 US Navy course - Fluid Power NAVEDTRA 14105 US Navy course - Gas Turbine Systems Supervisor NAVEDTRA 14111 US Navy course - Gunner's Mate 1 & C NAVEDTRA 14110 US Navy course - Gunner's Mate 3 & 2 NAVEDTRA 14109 US Navy course - Gunner's Mate NAVEDTRA 14324 US Navy course - Harmony NAVEDTRA 12012 US Navy course - Hospital Corpsman NAVEDTRA 14295 US Navy course - Hull Maintenance Technician NAVEDTRA 14119 US Navy course - Illustrator Draftsman Volume 1, Equipment NAVEDTRA 14332 US Navy course - Illustrator Draftsman Volume 3, Executionable Practices NAVEDTRA 14333 US Navy course - Illustrator Draftsman Volume 4, Presentations Graphics NAVEDTRA 14334 US Navy course - Illustrator Draftsman-Volume 2, Standard Drafting Practices and Theory NAVEDTRA 14276 US Navy course - Information Systems Technician Training Series Module 1ùAdministration and Security NAV US Navy course - Information Systems Technician Training Series Module 2ùComputer Systems NAVEDTRA 14223 US Navy course - Information Systems Technician Training Series Module 3ùNetwork Communications NAVEDTRA US Navy course - Information Systems Technician Training Series Module 4ùCommunications Hardware NAVEDTR US Navy course - Information Systems Technician Training Series Module 5ùCommunications Center Operation US Navy course - Intelligence Specialist 3 & 2, Volume 1 NAVEDTRA 14127 US Navy course - Interior Communications Electrician, Volume 1 NAVEDTRA 14120 US Navy course - Interior Communications Electrician, Volume 2 NAVEDTRA 14121 US Navy course - Interior Communications Electrician, Volume 3 NAVEDTRA 14122 US Navy course - Journalist 1 & C NAVEDTRA 14129 US Navy course - Journalist 3 & 2 NAVEDTRA 14130 US Navy course - Journalist Advanced NAVEDTRA 14335 US Navy course - Journalist Basic NAVEDTRA 14321 US Navy course - Legalman 1 & C NAVEDTRA 14135 US Navy course - Legalman NAVEDTRA 14351 US Navy course - Lookout Training Handbook (2005) NAVEDTRA 12968-B US Navy course - Lookout Training Handbook NAVEDTRA 12968a US Navy course - Machinist's Mate 1 & C (Surface) NAVEDTRA 14150.1 US Navy course - Machinist's Mate 1 & C (Surface) NAVEDTRA 14150 US Navy course - Machinist's Mate 3 & 2 (Surface) NAVEDTRA 14151.1 US Navy course - Machinist's Mate 3 & 2 (Surface) NAVEDTRA 14151 US Navy course - Master-at-Arms NAVEDTRA 14137 US Navy course - Mathematics, Introduction to Statistics, Number Systems and Boolean Algebra NAVEDTRA 14 US Navy course - Mess Management Specialist 1 & C NAVEDTRA 14163 US Navy course - Military Requirements for Chief Petty Officer NAVEDTRA 14144 US Navy course - Military Requirements for Petty Officer First Class NAVEDTRA 14145 US Navy course - Military Requirements for Petty Officers Third and Second Class NAVEDTRA 14504 US Navy course - Mineman, Volume 1 NAVEDTRA 14152 US Navy course - Mineman, Volume 2, 1 & C NAVEDTRA 14153 US Navy course - Mineman, Volume 2, 3 & 2 NAVEDTRA 14154 US Navy course - Mineman, Volume 3 NAVEDTRA 14349 US Navy course - Mineman, Volume 3, 1 & C NAVEDTRA 14155 US Navy course - Mineman, Volume 3, 3 & 2 NAVEDTRA 14156 US Navy course - Mineman, Volume 5 NAVEDTRA 14158 US Navy course - Mineman, Volume 7 NAVEDTRA 14160 US Navy course - Naval Construction Force Seabee 1 & C NAVEDTRA 14233 US Navy course - Naval Space NAVEDTRA 14168A US Navy course - Navy Customer Service Manual NAVEDTRA 14056 US Navy course - Navy Instructional Theory NAVEDTRA 14300 US Navy course - Operations Specialist, Volume 1 NAVEDTRA 14308 US Navy course - Personnelman 3 & 2 NAVEDTRA 14214 US Navy course - Photography (Advanced) NAVEDTRA 14208 US Navy course - Photography (Basic) NAVEDTRA 14209 US Navy course - Postal Clerk NAVEDTRA 14317 US Navy course - Quartermaster 1 & C NAVEDTRA 14220 US Navy course - Quartermaster 3 & 2 NAVEDTRA 14221 US Navy course - Seabee Combat Handbook, Volume 1 NAVEDTRA 14234 US Navy course - Seabee Combat Handbook, Volume 2 NAVEDTRA 14235 US Navy course - Seaman NAVEDTRA 14067 US Navy course - Signalman 1 & C NAVEDTRA 14243 US Navy course - Signalman 3 & 2 NAVEDTRA 14244 US Navy course - Time Conversion NAVEDTRA 14252 US Navy course - Torpedoman's Mate Second Class NAVEDTRA 12435 US Navy course - Useful Information for Newly Commissioned Officers NAVEDTRA 12967 US Navy course - Yeoman Basic NAVEDTRA 14261A US Navy course Yeoman 1 & C NAVEDTRA 14260 US Navy Driver's Handbook NAVFAC MO-403 US Navy ECM Mark 2 Cipher Machine Manual WW US NAVY Electron Tube Test Set AN-USM-118 - milspecs (1964) WW US Navy Guidelines for Installation Data and Geospatial Data NAVFACENGCOM US Navy music course - Ear Training Manual For Musicians NAVEDTRA 10243 US Navy music course - Harmony NAVEDTRA 12012 US Navy nautical skills course - Quartermaster NAVEDTRA 14338 US Navy Panoramic Radio Adaptor RBY-1 (Mil TM - prelim) (1943) WW US Navy Railway Operating Handbook NAVFAC P-301 US Navy Salvors Handbook (printer's proof) (2004) WW US Navy SEAL Physical Fitness Guide Us Navy Seal Sniper Training Program - Manual Military Elite Doctrine Guide US Navy Shipboard Pest Control Manual (2000) WW US Navy TBX-8 Transmitter Schematic WW US Navy Towing Manual (2002) WW
FMFM 3-3 Helicopterborne Operations FMFM 4-4 Engineer Operations FMFM 6-7 Scouting and Patrolling for Infantry Units FMFM 8-2 Counterinsurgency Operations FMFM 8-4 Doctrine for Riverine Operations FMFM1_1-1 CAMPAIGNING FMFM1-1 WAR FIGHTING Marine Bayonet Training MCO-1510.32D Individual Training Standards for Recruits MCWP 2-6 Counterintelligence NBC Decontamination ops - change1 NLW Multiservice Procedures for the Tactical Employment of Nonlethal Weapons U.S. Marine Corps - FMFRP 12-18 - Mao Tse-Tung - On Guerilla Warfare U.S. Marine Corps - FMFRP 12-81 - Shooting to Live U.S. Marine Corps - MCRP 3-01A Rifle Marksmanship U.S. Marine Corps - MCRP 3-02G First Aid for Soldiers U.S. Marine Corps - MCRP 3-11.1A Commander's Tactical Handbo U.S. Marine Corps - MCWP 3-1 Ground Combat Operations U.S. Marine Corps - MCWP 3-15.1 Machine Guns and Machine Gun US marine corpe Close combat US Marine Corps - Afghanistan-An Introduction to the Country and People US Marine Corps - Amphibious Ships and Landing Craft Data Book MCRP 3-31B US Marine Corps - Antenna Handbook MCRP 3-40.3C US Marine Corps - Combat Stress MCRP 6-11C US Marine Corps - Combat Water Survival MCRP 3-02C US Marine Corps - Combatting Terrorism - MCRP 3-02D US Marine Corps - Common Skills Handbook 1B US Marine Corps - First Aid MCRP 3-02G US Marine Corps - Flame, Riot Control Agents, and Herbicide Operations MCRP 3-37C US Marine Corps - Geographic Intelligence (GEOINT) MCWP 2-12.1 US Marine Corps - Imagery Intelligence (IMINT) MCWP 2-15.4 US Marine Corps - Imagery Intelligence MCWP 2-15.4 US Marine Corps - Iraq-An Introduction to the Country and People US Marine Corps - Marine Combat Water Survival MCRP 3-02C US Marine Corps - Marine Physical Readiness Training for Combat MCRP 3-02A US Marine Corps - Martial Arts MCRP 3-02B US Marine Corps - Military Operations on Urbanized Terrain (MOUT) MCWP 3-35.3 US Marine Corps - Multi-Service Brevity Codes MCRP 3-25B US Marine Corps - MWTC Assault Climbers Handbook (mountaineering) US Marine Corps - MWTC Cold Weather Medicine Course US Marine Corps - MWTC Summer Survival Course Handbook US Marine Corps - MWTC Wilderness Medicine Course UUS Marine Corps - MWTC Winter Survival Course Handbook US Marine Corps - Physical Fitness Test and Body Composition Program Manual MCO P6100.12 US Marine Corps - Pistol Marksmanship MCRP 3-01B US Marine Corps - Radio Operator's Handbook MCRP 3-40.3b US Marine Corps - Remote Sensor Operations MCRP 2-24B US Marine Corps - Return and Reunion Guide for Marines and Families US Marine Corps - Rifle Marksmanship MCRP 3-01A US Marine Corps - Scouting and Patrolling MCWP 3-11.3 US Marine Corps - Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) MCWP 2-15.2 US Marine Corps - Sniping - MCWP 3-15.3 US Marine Corps - Survival - MCRP 3-02F US Marine Corps - Survival, Evasion, and Recovery MCRP 3-02H US Marine Corps - The Individual's Guide for Understanding and Surviving Terrorism MCRP 3-02E US Marine Corps Sniper Manual FMFM 1-3B |